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Polar Bear Plunge

If chocolate chip cookies are becoming more of a chore than a treat, let's dive into a recipe that will be sure to bring back the fun in baking. Are you ready to take the plunge?


During Christmas, I like to get my cookie fix just like anyone else. But I'm not much of a baker; I'd rather just do the eating and forget about the baking. That's why this year I decided to try out a no-bake recipe for my Christmas cookies to avoid the prep and enjoy the crunch with polar bear cookies!


What you'll need:

1 package of Double Stuffed OREO

3 bags of white chocolate chips

1 bag of M&Ms

1 tube of black icing (make sure to get a tube with a tip that's thin enough to make small dots for eyes)

1 bag of mini marshmallows

Wax paper

The items on this list will yield around 36 little polar bears.

BEARy cute


What you'll have to do:

First, organize your supplies. You will need a cookie sheet lined with wax paper, a pot filled with a couple inches of water, a mixing bowl that will sit in the pot without touching the water, and a spoon for stirring.

1. Lay a sheet of wax paper on the cookie sheet so that you have a place to lay the little bears after they've been dipped.

2. Melt the white chocolate using the mixing bowl and pot filled with gently boiling water. Make sure to keep stirring the chocolate in the mixing bowl!

3. Now start making those bears! Slide the ears into place by taking an M&M and sticking it into the cream. Make sure to place them decently apart to mimic the look of ears.

4. Take a cookie with ears in tact and place it on a spoon. Gently dip it into the melted white chocolate and remove the cookie after it has been completely coated.

5. Place the cookie on the wax paper.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 until all of the cookies in the package are used. (If you don't want to make that many cookies, you don't have to. Make as many as your little heart desires.)

7. After all of the bears have taken the plunge and have been coated, place marshmallows on the cookie where you think the muzzle of the bear would be.

8. Take an M&M with a little icing and place it right on top of the marshmallow as the bear's nose to make it stick.

9. Place the tray of cookies into the fridge so that the chocolate hardens.

10. Lastly, put eyes on those guys! Use your icing pen and dot on beady black eyes on each bear.


Your first bite into these bears will have your taste buds thanking you. If you are a fan of Hershey's Cookies & Cream chocolate bars, then you will be an even bigger fan of these polar bears. These no-bake cookies are the perfect activity for kids or for lazy 24-year-old bakers like myself!

Take these to your next holiday party and I can assure you that they'll be the talk of the kitchen. Comment below to let me know if you're taking the polar bear plunge!

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