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The Inspiration Behind a Fixer Upper

When I graduated from Penn State, the direction I thought I had towards a career was lost. I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do and honestly, I wasn't sure if I had any idea what my passion was. While yes, I am still sorting through my likes and dislikes and trying to figure out where I want to be career-wise, I found inspiration and hope in someone you may be familiar with. Someone who found her passion a little way down the road.

Joanna Gaines.


HGTV's sweetheart Joanna consistently graces our TV sets while we binge watch episodes of Fixer Upper. Admit it, you've sat on the couch watching demo day after demo day for hours and there is no shame in that.

But behind the shiplap and sliding barn doors is someone who I was able to really relate to. While watching a special featuring her and Chip, I learned that Joanna also has a degree in broadcast journalism but from Baylor University and even interned with CBS. It wasn't until she met Chip that he pushed her in the direction of another passion. Joanna always wanted to be a broadcast journalist, but never thought that her role on television would have anything to do with design and renovations.

Oh, and we also react the same way when it comes to bees. I hate bees.

Joanna is inspiring for more reasons than just the similarities I find between her and me. The love she has for her small town and family inspires me to enjoy the things that mean the most and to make sure that you know what is priority. During every episode, her kids bring her cupcakes or pizza to help her get through a night of decorating and every single time she lights up. It's that kind of love that pushes us to get through something, good or bad. Genuine people are hard to find these days, but the character I see in Joanna and Chip reassure me that no matter where you end up in the world or in your career, you have to be true to yourself and remember who you are.

Celebrities have always held an influential role in our society. Everyone has a celebrity inspiration that helps to remind them of their life goals. Who's yours?

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