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Two Thousand & Seventeen

With the end of 2016 comes the beginning of 2017 and the new goals that come with it. The time of year where your gym becomes so crowded that waiting for a treadmill takes about as long as your workout.

Every year around this time people think up their best resolutions and vow to stick to them all year long. If you're like me, thinking of resolutions is almost as hard as keeping them. To help you and myself out, here is a list of 17 resolution ideas. Take them or leave them, but I hope one inspires you to make the most out of this upcoming year.

1. Lose weight

2. Volunteer for an organization in your community

3. Find a new job

4. Get your undergraduate/graduate degree

5. Pay off any credit card debt

6. Buy a house

7. Travel more

8. Save money

9. Spend more time with family and friends

10. Eat healthier

11. Give a shelter pet a forever home

12. Find a hobby

13. Stop comparing yourself to others

14. Move to a new city

15. Meet new people

16. Live life out of your comfort zone

17. Treat yo self

Now pick one or two or three and get out there and start 2017 off with a BANG!

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